Children and Pet Safety

Its no denying owning a pet is beneficial for children, gaining life lessons and enjoying close relationship or bond with their pet.
However, there are responsibilities and risks involved when children and animals are together.
Teaching your child skills to behave safely around animals and to prevent and recognise any problems that may arise is very important. These include treating animals gently and calmly, never hurt, tease, frighten, surprise or corner an animal. Never disturb an animal that is eating or sleeping. Teaching a child to keep their animal healthy and always washing hands after touching animals, their food bowls, toys and bedding is another way to keep safe around their pet.
As a parent or caregiver ensuring that you are always supervising children when with a animal is paramount. If this is not possible, then keep them separate. Keep children and animals separate during noisy high energy play, when food is present and when
the animal or child is eating or sleeping. This protects both your child and animal from any dangers.

By teaching children these important messages on how to be safe around their pets will promote them to endorse these behaviour’s beyond childhood. Keeping them safe in the meantime will have the best outcomes for everyone.